Sports essay writing
College Of Charlrston Appliction Essay Topics
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Analyzing the Determinants of CEOââ¬â¢s Remuneration
Dissecting the Determinants of CEOââ¬â¢s Remuneration Dissecting the Determinants of CEOââ¬â¢s Remuneration and Ways to Increase the Bonuses This papð µr arguð µs that reward schð µmð µs as rð µfð µrrð µd to by Hð µaly (1985) crð µatð µ an incð µntivð µ for managð µrs to sð µlð µct bookkeeping procð µdurð µs and gatherings to maximizð µ thð µ valuð µ of thð µir extra honors. In othð µr words, wð µ arguð µ that such reward schð µmð µs motivatð µ thð µ managð µrs to sð µlð µct thð µ most appropriatð µ stratð µgið µs in ordð µr to improvð µ thð µ pð µrformancð µ of thð µ organization and to, subsequently, incrð µasð µ thð µ likð µlinð µss of rð µcð µiving considð µrablð µ reward. Reward schð µmð µs havð µ both positivð µ and nð µgativð µ suggestions, which will bð µ discussð µd in this papð µr. Wð µ havð µ to notð µ that thð µrð µ arð µ regularly accð µptð µd incð µntivð µs for managð µrs to smooth rð µportð µd à µarnings, that is to rð µducð µ à µarnings unprð µdictability. Supð µrvisors gð µnð µrally havð µ inadequately sprð µad human capital portfolios, and a grð µat segment of thð µir wð µalth and status is tið µd to thð µ pð µrformancð µ of thð µ organization, so shakiness avoidancð µ is likð µly. Commonplace compð µnsation stratð µgið µs posð µ a cð µiling on à µarnings-basð µd bonusð µs, in this manner making managð µrs dð µfð µr rð µcognition of vð µry largð µ incomð µs (Hð µalð µy 1985). Somð µtimð µs managð µrs may choosð µ to hidð µ vð µry largð µ lossð µs, to kð µÃ° µp thð µir high positions (à µ.g. Ãâ¢nrons casð µ). Managð µrs subsequently gð µnð µrally havð µ inspiration to maintain a strategic distance from both largð µ à µarnings and largð µ lossð µs, and to dð µcrð µasð µ à µarnings unpredictability. Managð µrs all through diffð µrð µnt industrið µs arð µ in a comparative position, à µmphasizð µd by organization widð µ reward schð µmð µs basð µd on incomð µ. Hirst à µt al. (2005) arguð µ that à µarnings shakiness impacts dð µbt agrð µÃ° µmð µnts, which à µxplicitly or verifiably control incomð µ-basð µd or balancð µ-shð µÃ° µt-basð µd divisions. Subsequently thð µrð µ arð µ normal incð µntivð µs to rð µducð µ incomð µ unpredictability. A numbð µr of authoritative variablð µs combinð µ to à µmphasizð µ thð µ univð µrsal dð µsirð µ to rð µducð µ à µarnings change. Thð µy includð µ: Forð µsight principlð µ saturatð µs US and intð µrnational bookkeeping and lð µads to consð µrvativð µ rð µsð µrvð µs of à µquity as a typð µ of buffð µr for thð µ shið µld of crð µditors. This implið µs dð µcrð µasing à µarnings in great yð µars to thð µ lð µvð µl nð µÃ° µdð µd to pay cð µrtain measure of dividð µnds and bonusð µs, framing rð µsð µrvð µs that can bð µ attracted on to cushion à µarnings in lð µss succð µssful yð µars. All companið µs havð µ thð µ incð µntivð µs to dð µcrð µasð µ à µarnings volatilityand, spð µcifically, to hidð µ vð µry largð µ lossð µs or vð µry largð µ à µarnings. Sharð µ alternatives and othð µr stock-rð µlatð µd compð µnsation schð µmð µs arð µ not normal in a numbð µr of companið µs. Applying thð µ stakð µholdð µr govð µrnancð µ modð µl, rð µwarding mangð µrs on thð µ premise of outcomð µs to onð µ stakð µholdð µr alonð µsharð µholdð µrswould not bð µ as wð µll rð µcð µivð µd by othð µr partið µs as it is undð µr thð µ sharð µholdð µr valuð µ modð µl. Consð µquð µntly, codð µ-law managð µrs arð µ à µvaluatð µd and motivatð µd to a lð µssð µr dð µgrð µÃ° µ on thð µ premise of sharð µholdð µr valuð µ, and morð µ on thð µ premise of rð µportð µd benefits. Hazard avð µrsion among managð µrs implið µs a grð µatð µr prð µfð µrð µncð µ to rð µducð µ à µarnings unpredictability. Workð µr bonusð µs and sharð µholdð µr dividð µnds additionally arð µ closð µly rð µlatð µd to rð µportð µd à µarnings, shaping inspirations to rð µducð µ à µarnings unpredictability. Rð µporting a misfortune is likð µly to rð µducð µ both dividð µnds and bonusð µs. Ãâ¢arnings accordingly arð µ prð µsð µntð µd in smallð µr sums in great yð µars and in largð µr sums in terrible yð µars, à µspð µcially during misfortune making timð µs. Thð µ inspiration to rð µducð µ à µarnings unprð µdictability is compoundð µd by agð µncy mattð µs that arð µ placð µd ovð µr. For instancð µ, workð µr rð µprð µsð µntativð µs on corporatð µ govð µrning bodið µs regularly arð µ every year rð µÃ° µlð µctð µd agð µnts for workð µrs, which offð µrs thð µm extra inspirations to abstain from demonstrating lossð µs (and hð µncð µ discarding bonusð µs) or à µvð µn to dodge rð µductions in à µarnings (and bonusð µs). Bank, pð µnsion support, and insurancð µ organization stakð µholdð µrs arð µ rð µgulatð µd on thð µ grounds of capital adð µquacy, and hð µncð µ arð µ injurð µd by instability in thð µir own à µarnings. In the event that thð µsð µ people and bodið µs own 20% or morð µ of thð µ organization's stakð µ thð µy havð µ to change thð µir accounts by appropriatð µ measure of à µquity. In this way à µarnings unsteadiness in thð µir clið µnt associations streams dirð µctly into instability of thð µir own à µarnings and capital adð µquacy parts. On the off chance that thð µy don't claim à µnough sharð µs to alter thð µir accounts by appropriatð µ measure of à µquity, thð µy prð µsð µnt dividð µnds in thð µir own à µarnings (and rð µtainð µd à µarnings), in ordð µr to acquirð µ inspiration to rð µducð µ dividð µnds unpredictability. Providð µd thð µ ordinarily closð µ dividð µnds-à µarnings rð µlation in codð µ-law countrið µs, this là ° µads to rð µducing thð µ precariousness of thð µ à µarnings of firms and partnerships in which thð µy hold à µquity invð µstmð µnts. Extra taxð µs on undistributð µd à µarnings crð µatð µ solid inspiration to rð µducð µ à µarnings in common yð µars (othð µr things à µqual, to not rð µport à µarnings in à µxcð µss of thosð µ nð µÃ° µdð µd to pay thð µ dð µsirð µd dividð µnds and bonusð µs). Such mattð µr crð µatð µs rð µsð µrvð µs to usð µ on in lð µss profitablð µ yð µars. Govð µrnmð µnts likewise prð µfð µr low à µarning unpredictability to design charge collð µctions, and hence rð µward prð µdictability (specifically thð µy don't need charge rð µvð µnuð µs to fall in rð µcð µssions) (Hirst à µt al., 2005) At thð µ samð µ timð µ, Hirst and his collð µaguð µs alongside Dominic Pð µltið µr-Rivð µst (1999) include that such institutional variables structure solid inspirations to dð µcrð µasð µ à µarnings unpredictability and to hidð µ vð µry huge lossð µs. Likð µwisð µ, open money related rð µporting and disclosurð µ play a lð µss huge rolð µ, and in this way thð µrð µ is lð µss hazard emerging from failurð µ to prð µsð µnt lossð µs in a timð µly style. Dominic Pð µltið µr-Rivð µst (1999) notð µs that à µarnings rð µportð µd in companið µs à µmploying reward schð µmð µs show lowð µr unpredictability, rð µflð µct a lowð µr frð µquð µncy of timð µly misfortune rð µcognition, lowð µr timð µlinð µss in gð µnð µral, lowð µr sð µnsitivity to à µconomic lossð µs, and lowð µr timð µlinð µss connð µctð µd with dividð µnds. On thð µ othð µr hand, as indicated by Mishra, Gobð µli, and May (2000), charge inducð µd prð µssurð µ to managð µ rð µportð µd à µarnings doð µs not nð µcð µssarily lð µad to undð µrstatð µmð µnt of incomð µ in à µvð µry yð µar, for two rð µasons. To begin with, all bookkeeping adjustments arð µ a subjð µct of timing. Ãâ¢quivalð µntly, bookkeeping rð µvð µnuð µ and à µxpð µnsð µ collections tð µnd to rð µvð µrsð µ ovð µr timð µ. Along these lines, a firm with high expense dð µductions in thð µ past has lowð µr dð µductions in thð µ prð µsð µnt and thð µ futurð µ. For somð µ bookkeeping accumulations, it is just possiblð µ to rð µducð µ rð µportð µd à µarnings ovð µr a à µxtð µndð µd pð µriod of timð µ by gð µnð µrating unintð µrruptð µd development. In othð µr words, it is possiblð µ to bð µ consistð µntly consð µrvativð µ in thð µ balancð µ shð µÃ° µt, however it is hard to bð µ consistð µntly consð µrvati vð µ in rð µporting benefits. Sð µcond, nonlinð µarity in charge ratð µs (à µ.g. impð µrfð µct convey forward of lossð µs) givð µs an incð µntivð µ to rð µducð µ unpredictability of taxablð µ incomð µ, in all countrið µs. In thð µ US and Ãâ¢U bookkeeping systð µms, this lð µads to dð µcrð µasing thð µ unpredictability of rð µportð µd incomð µ, which mð µans that incomð µ tð µnds to bð µ prð µsð µntð µd as a largð µr onð µ in awful yð µars. As Hð µalð µy (1985) puts, it, thð µ connð µction bð µtwð µÃ° µn tax collection and unpredictability of rð µportð µd à µarnings is lð µss than thð µ abovð µ examination suggð µsts. For instancð µ, tax collection in most Ãâ¢U countrið µs is basð µd on organization lð µvð µl taxablð µ incomð µ, not consolidatð µd bunch incomð µ. This offð µrs companið µs thð µ altð µrnativð µ to fix assessment and book incomð µ by demonstrating consolidatð µd financials that arð µ not cð µntð µrð µd on thð µ charge rð µcords. Fð µw companið µs dð µcidð µ to act I such a mannð µr, primarily bð µcausð µ thð µ charge systð µm givð µs thð µm grð µatð µr rð µporting flð µxibility, including thð µ ability to hidð µ lossð µs. Incomð µ policið µs havð µ bð µÃ° µn linkð µd to thð µ usð µ of thð µ reward schð µmð µs by a numbð µr of writð µrs (Bð µddoð µ, 1978; Camð µron, 1978). In à µvð µry casð µ thð µ connð µction has bð µÃ° µn madð µ by means of a conversation of valuð µ addð µd incð µntivð µ paymð µnt schð µmð µs ( VAIPSs). VAIPSs arð µ bunch reward schð µmð µs which arð µ for the most part opð µratð µd on a plant premise, in this way covð µring both bluð µ-and whitð µ-neckline à µmployð µÃ° µs. Thð µ reward pool availablð�
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Music Production Essay
In the course of recent decades, electronic music and its particular types have reformed the music business by making new styles of music that have developed the feel of the well known melodies we hear today. The way toward making todayââ¬â¢s music by means of a PC and programming has become boundlessly progressively productive contrasted with conventional chronicle, which predominantly utilizes acoustic instruments and ââ¬Å"old-school hardwareâ⬠. The procedure of structure has been smoothed out and altered over the ongoing years, in this manner opening more entryways for artistsââ¬â¢ innovation and innovativeness. To get familiar with the ropes of music creation, one can figure out how to be a maker by going to recording or music school. Anyway recording school isn't for everybody, It can be unreasonably costly for a few and too ââ¬Å"academicâ⬠for other people. A music producerââ¬â¢s occupation can be as simple as sitting on the love seat tuning in and gesturing and as dynamic as controlling the blender just as adjusting the hardware for a vocalist. Great music makers see each part of studio creation. They additionally have an excellent ear and a balanced information on how voices and instruments produce recordable sound. One thing practically all ââ¬Ëcomputer generatedââ¬â¢ music shares for all intents and purpose is the utilization of tests. Tests are sound bytes, anyplace from tiny blips to long encompassing commotions, some of the time spreading over the whole length of the tune. The activating of tests in a fascinating manner is the thing that makes the musicality and climate of the melody. Most electronic rhythms comprise totally of activated examples. A sampler is a program or gadget which is utilized to record and trigger sound examples, typically remembered for the principle creation programming. These gadgets are the core of todayââ¬â¢s electronic music; they are the motors which produce the real sounds you hear. Changing and controlling sounds is the way to catching the listenerââ¬â¢s consideration. Impacts have consistently assumed a significant job in electronic music, however over all classes. The thing that matters is that with electronic music, the audience will as a rule acknowledge a bigger number of layers of foundation impacts than likewise with different sorts of music. Impacts are utilized to take essential sounds and variate them in a fascinating and sonically upgrading way. A portion of the normal impacts makers use incorporate resonation (reverb), reverberation, rib, ensemble, and mutilation. At the point when you first beginning delivering music, or regardless of whether you have been making music for a considerable length of time, you will find that it is a test to transform oneââ¬â¢s thoughts straightforwardly into a tune! (AllCrunchy 1) When it comes to what you truly should be a music maker, a PC is normally an unquestionable requirement have bit of equipment. One can deliver a decent sounding track with practically any sort of current PC. A DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) is likewise a necessity. The DAW is a product domain wherein you make and make the music and it is one of the most basic parts in oneââ¬â¢s music studio. To lay it out plainly, itââ¬â¢s music making programming. VST (Virtual Studio Technology) synthesizers and impacts are additionally an unquestionable requirement if youââ¬â¢re going to begin making music carefully with a PC. VSTiââ¬â¢s (VST instruments) are virtual synthesizers that produce distinctive sort of sounds. You can utilize them simply like you would utilize genuine equipment , just contrast being that theyââ¬â¢re programming and you introduce them simply like some other application, at that point open them inside a DAW to form songs and make music. The most widely recognized thing that keeps learners from getting a full sounding melody isn't filling the ââ¬Å"boxâ⬠that is volume, panning, and recurrence. The ordinary circumstance is this: as an ever increasing number of sounds are layered together, the sound may begin to ââ¬Å"clipâ⬠. (Cutting is a type of waveform twisting that happens when an intensifier is over-driven and endeavors to convey a yield voltage or current past its most extreme capacity) Therefore, one would turn the addition down on the each channel of the blender so it doesnââ¬â¢t cut. Be that as it may, at that point, it sounds calm. So as to fix this, pressure and (EQ) evening out come in to play. Another issue amateur makers may confront is when too many clashing frequencies are covering in a blend. Because of covering sounds, the tune may sound ââ¬Å"muddyâ⬠. To forestall mud, you should deliberately remember what scope of frequencies you are including with each new part. Frequencies will cover, regardless of what instruments you pick. A great deal of VST instrument modules have presets that sound generally excellent all alone, yet when put along with different presets, they conflict. A ton of these presets are full sounding, topping off a great deal of low and top of the line. Except if you cut out the conflicting frequencies utilizing EQ, you will get a suppressed, sloppy sound while tossing presets together. For instance, two bass sounds on one another will meddle, bringing about an unusual sounding stage impact. On the off chance that you need to utilize two instruments that utilization up a similar recurrence range, youââ¬â¢ll need to cut out the highs on one and cut out the lows on the other equalizer. The final product of including adjustment and changing volume should signify a track with a full, clear stable.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Top 10 Communication Tips 2011 #8 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Top 10 Communication Tips 2011 â" #8 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog This is the eighth entry in our âTop 10? list for you to consider when communicating with our office and applying. Number 8 â" Familiarize Yourself with Expenses and Start searching for fellowships/scholarships/grants as soon as possible! There is no doubt about the fact that graduate school can be expensive. We will do as much as we can to educate you on financial options, but by far the number one thing you can do is to be diligent in searching for fellowships and grants. Do not wait to search until you have applied, you should start the search long before applying. Each applicant should follow what I call the ârule of 2.â Basically my assertion is that applicants should spend twice as much time applying for fellowships as time spent working on an admission application. If it takes you 10 hours to prepare your admission application, you would be well served to spend 20 hours looking for fellowships minimum. A great resource to get you started is our external fellowship database. Most of the information you need concerning the cost to attend is available on our Web site, such as cost of attendance, types of aid, scholarship information, and information specifically for international students. Please do note that SIPA scholarships come from one general pool â" there is no difference in the scholarship award process at SIPA for domestic and international students â" all students are equally considered no matter the country of origin. Everyone that applies for admission is considered for scholarship funding.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Understood Objects of Symbolism in the Novel Lord of the...
In every novel, an object may represent something other than what it actually is. Lord of the Flies of by William Golding has several of these objects in it. An explanation for what objects hold symbolic meaning is would be like how snow may represent delight and happiness for a child. These objects also add side stories and add detail to the novel. Three objects that hold immense symbolic meaning in Lord of the Flies are the beast, the conch, and the signal fire. To begin with, one object that holds great symbolic meaning is the beast. When the beast is introduced into the novel, it strikes terror into numerous littluns and biguns, even if they refuse to admit it. Several of the biguns take the belief of the beast with a grain ofâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦It also shows what the fear truly is. The beast represents the savage side of mankind and the fear it strikes into people. Additionally, a different object that holds great symbolic meaning is the conch. The conch is the lone object holding order within the island. When the conch is broken, the island became a hectic mess. Jack and his followers became savage warriors who were willing to kill anything that got into their way. Sadly, Roger is the only person ready to kill somebody. The conch represents the islandââ¬â¢s rule system and order within the island, as well. Without either order or rules, chaos is allowed into peopleââ¬â¢s lives. As a result, without the conch, terror is released and Rogerââ¬â¢s savage nature is permitted to do as it wishes. With the conch on the island, Rogerââ¬â¢s evil can be prevented. Jack contributes to the chaos that occurs, as well. Without him, the island is under Ralphââ¬â¢s control and not split into two separate groups. In the novel it states, ââ¬â¢He held the conch before his face and glanced round the mouth. ââ¬Å"Then Iââ¬â¢ll give him the conch.â⬠ââ¬Å" Conch?â⬠ââ¬Å"Thatââ¬â¢s what this shellââ¬â¢s called. Iââ¬â¢ll gi ve the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when heââ¬â¢s speaking.â⬠ââ¬Å"But-ââ¬Å"ââ¬Å"Look-ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å"And he wonââ¬â¢t be interrupted, except by me.â⬠Jack was on his feet. ââ¬Å"Weââ¬â¢ll have rules!â⬠he cried out excitedly. ââ¬Å"Lots of rules! Then when anyone breaks ââ¬Ëem-ââ¬Å"(33) This quote shows Ralph setting the conchââ¬â¢s importance into the story. Without this tiny passage,Show MoreRelatedSymbolism in Lord of the Flies by William Golding1153 Words à |à 5 PagesGonzalo Barril Merino 3EMC Lord of the Flies Essay Describe the use of symbolism in Lord of the Flies By understanding symbols, you get a better picture of the novel ââ¬Å"Lord of the Fliesâ⬠and the hidden messages and references to human nature and a criticism of society. The author, William Golding, uses a huge amount of symbolism to reflect society of the outer world with the island. Symbols of fire, the conch and water are described all throughout the novel. Fire represents hope, strength and knowledgeRead MoreSymbolism in Lord of the Flies by William Golding1159 Words à |à 5 PagesGonzalo Barril Merino 3EMC Lord of the Flies Essay Describe the use of symbolism in Lord of the Flies By understanding symbols, you get a better picture of the novel ââ¬Å"Lord of the Fliesâ⬠and the hidden messages and references to human nature and a criticism of society. The author, William Golding, uses a huge amount of symbolism to reflect society of the outer world with the island. Symbols of fire, the conch and water are described all throughout the novel. Fire represents hope, strengthRead MoreLiterary Devices in Pride and Prejudice8198 Words à |à 33 PagesBishkek Humanities University named after K. Karasaev The Faculty of European Civilizations The English Language Department ââ¬Å"Peculiarities of the Lexical Stylistic devices (Metaphor, metonymy, irony, simile, epithet) in the novel ââ¬Å"Pride and Prejudiceâ⬠by Jane Austenâ⬠DIPLOMA PAPER Scientific Supervisor: E. B. Jumakeeva Done by: Satarova Rahat, group: A08-2 Contents: Pages: Introduction Read MoreANALIZ TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS28843 Words à |à 116 Pagessuggestions that may prove helpful. PLOT The Elements of Plot When we refer to the plot of a work of fiction, then, we are referring to the deliberately arranged sequence of interrelated events that constitute the basic narrative structure of a novel or a short story. Events of any kind, of course, inevitably involve people, and for this reason it is virtually impossible to discuss plot in isolation from character. Character and plot are, in fact, intimately and reciprocally related, especially
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
A Brief Note On Surface Water And Water Pollution
Surface water (rivers, streams, and lakes) are the main sources of domestic, industrial and irrigation water uses in many areas in the world, and play a very important role in hydrologic and biogeochemical cycles. As important as these surface waters are, only a minimum number are maintained and can be found in their natural condition due to intensive human activities such as urbanization and surface water pollution, making it a great environmental concern worldwide (Zhao et al., 2011). Every time it rains, rivers and streams and are subject to ââ¬Å"non-pointâ⬠source pollution. These rivers and streams are highly vulnerable water bodies because of the role they play in carrying off and assimilating point (e.g., domestic wastewater andâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦By characterizing the spatial and temporal variation in the water quality of rivers and streams, results from water quality analysis can provide an improved understanding of the environmental conditions and m help p olicy makers establish priorities for sustainable water management (Cooper et al., 2002 and Antonopoulos et al., 2001). Watershed-scale analysis of water quality variables can illustrate the changing influence of various human activities in different sub-basins and as one proceeds from headwaters to downstream. Reports on stormwater quality management program have shown that Greensboro currently faces water pollution problems in its main rivers and lakes (Greensboro Water Resources Dept., Report, 2013). Water quality at most of the regularly monitored stations in major rivers and streams in the county are below the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) standards suitable for human consumption and aquatic life sustainability including sites along the Buffalo Creeks and Reedy Fork Creek. The condition of the water in Greensboro Rivers and streams is related to land use and the quality and quantity of the rainfall washing off the landscape. In an urban setting like Gree nsboro, the predominant factors in determining the water quality characteristics of rivers and streams are the pollutants washing off Greensboroââ¬â¢s
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Social Media Use in the United States Free Essays
string(46) " social media use and health-related factors\." Social Media Use in the United States: Implications for Health Communication Wen-ying Sylvia Chou1,2, PhD, MPH; Yvonne M Hunt1, PhD, MPH; Ellen Burke Beckjord3, PhD, MPH; Richard P Moser4, PhD; Bradford W Hesse2, PhD 1Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA? 2Health Communication and Informatics Research Branch, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA? 3RAND Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA, USA? 4Behavioral Research Program, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USACorresponding Author: Wen-ying Sylvia Chou, PhD, MPH National Cancer Institute Health Communication and Informatics Research Branch 6130 Executive Blvd (EPN), 4051A Bethesda, MD 20892-7365 USA Phone: +1 301 435 2842 Fax: +1 301 480 2669 Email: chouws [at] mail. nih. gov ABSTRACT Background: Given the rapid changes in the communication landscape brought about by participative Internet use and social media, it is important to develop a better understanding of these technologies and their impact on health communication. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Media Use in the United States or any similar topic only for you Order Now The first step in this effort is to identify the characteristics of current social media users. Up-to-date reporting of current social media use will help monitor the growth of social media and inform health promotion/communication efforts aiming to effectively utilize social media. Objective: The purpose of the study is to identify the sociodemographic and health-related factors associated with current adult social media users in the United States. Methods: Data came from the 2007 iteration of the Health Information National Trends Study (HINTS, N = 7674).HINTS is a nationally representative cross-sectional survey on health-related communication trends and practices. Survey respondents who reported having accessed the Internet (N = 5078) were asked whether, over the past year, they had (1) participated in an online support group, (2) written in a blog, (3) visited a social networking site. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted to identify predictors of each type of social media use. Results: Approximately 69% of US adults reported having acces s to the Internet in 2007. Among Internet users, 5% participated in an online support group, 7% reported blogging, and 23% used a social networking site. Multivariate analysis found that younger age was the only significant predictor of blogging and social networking site participation; a statistically significant linear relationship was observed, with younger categories reporting more frequent use. Younger age, poorer subjective health, and a personal cancer experience predicted support group participation. In general, social media are penetrating the US population independent of education, race/ethnicity, or health care access.Conclusions: Recent growth of social media is not uniformly distributed across age groups; therefore, health communication programs utilizing social media must first consider the age of the targeted population to help ensure that messages reach the intended audience. While racial/ethnic and health statusââ¬ârelated disparities exist in Internet access, among those with Internet acc ess, these characteristics do not affect social media use. This finding suggests that the new technologies, represented by social media, may be changing the communication pattern throughout the United States. (J Med Internet Res 2009;11(4):e48)? doi:10. 196/jmir. 1249 KEYWORDS Internet; social media; social networking; demography; population surveillance; eHealth, new technologies; health communication |Introduction | From 2005 to 2009, participation in social networking sites more than quadrupled [1]. In the health communication community, there is a widespread assumption that recent advances in Internet technologies (Web 2. 0), particularly the participative Internet (known as social media), have transformed the pattern of communication, including health-related communications [2].For example, social scientists observed that social media have increased individualsââ¬â¢ connectivity and enabled usersââ¬â¢ direct participation. This observation is believed to have direct implications for health communication programs, prompting efforts to identify new opportunities of using social media to impact population health [3-6]. While these observations on the impact of social media are important in public health, little of the research in this area has been based on large-scale population data, partly due to the rapidity of technological changes.The key questions that remain unanswered include the following: (1) What is the true reach and impact of social media among the current US population? (2) What are the user characteristics of the different types of social media currently being used? Although market research has previously reported on the overall prevalence of Internet and social media use, with the exception of online support group use, user characteristics of social media have not been comprehensively examined using a nationally representative population sample [7].Developing an empirically based understanding of these behaviors and their implications has become a key priority in current health communication research. Given that key aims of social media research are to monitor its growth and to in form health promotion efforts aiming to utilize new communication technologies, it is important to explore the relationship between social media use and health-related factors. You read "Social Media Use in the United States" in category "Papers" Current research on the relationship between social media and health has produced conflicting results.On the one hand, studies have found that social media may bear health-enhancing potential through several mechanisms. First, the Internet-based social networks may increase perceived social support and interconnectivity among individuals [8,9]. Second, with the increase of user-generated content, information sharing is seen as more democratic and patient controlled, enabling users to exchange health-related information that they need and therefore making the information more patient/consumer-centered [10]. Third, n recent times, public health programs have demonstrated success in adapting social media as a communication platform for health promotion efforts such as smoking cessation and dietary interventions, increasing their reach through cyberspace [3,4,6,11-13]. Yet, indirect and sometimes unintended negative health impacts of social media have also been identified. First, the participatory nature of social media entails an open forum for information exchange, therefore increasing the possibility of wide dissemination of noncredible, and potentially erroneous, health information [14,15].Second, health scientists exploring the issue of the digital divide have found evidence of a double divide. Specifically, those without Internet access (a large portion of whom may be without adequate health care access) are prevented from gaining health information available on the Internet [16-20]. In sum, given the direct and indirect health impacts and the wide range of and divergent results, the current study will offer an opportunity to disentangle aspects of the complex relationship between social media use and health-related factors. The most recent iteration of the Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS 2007) is an ideal data source to provide an in-depth examination of the prevalence and user characteristics of social media. This nationally representative survey is uniquely positioned to study social media because this new iteration contains specific follow-up questions for all Internet users, allowing us to separately estimate and compare the use of different types of social media.Another distinct advantage of the HINTS 2007 is its inclusion of many health-related questions, enabling us to comprehensively examine the association between social media use and several important health proxies. Our primary research aims are to (1) report on the prevalence of three forms of social media use in 2007: online support group participation, blogging, and social networking site participation; and (2) identify the sociodemographic and health-related predictors of the use of these three forms of social media. Meth ods | Data Source The data for this study were drawn from HINTS 2007, developed by the National Cancer Institute in 2007 with data collected from January 2008 through May 2008. Publicly accessible on the Internet, the HINTS is a biennial national survey of the US civilian noninstitutionalized adult population designed to assess the American publicââ¬â¢s use of health- and cancer-related information and to assess other cancer-related knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors.The surveyââ¬â¢s primary goal is to inform social scientists and program planners about current health communication usage across populations and to assist in developing effective health communication strategies in an age of rapid communication changes. Comprehensive reports on the conceptual framework and sample design of HINTS are published elsewhere [21,22].Note that while the conceptual framework and most survey content remained consistent across the three iterations of HINTS (2003, 2005, and 2007), the newest iteration (HINTS 2007) contains some changes. Detailed information about HINTS 2007 scope and methodology can be found in a comprehensive report [23]. Specifically, in addition to the inclusion of new survey items (such as items concerning blogging and social networking site participation), a new sampling method was adopted for HINTS 2007 to increase response rates and reduce bias.Two modes were used for data collection: (1) a random digit dial telephone survey, using a computer-assisted telephone interview, of representative samples of US households with land-line telephones (N = 4092); and (2) a pencil-and-paper questionnaire mailed to representative US postal addresses that oversampled for minorities (N = 3582). The us e of the dual sampling frames was a response to the recent dramatic decrease in telephone survey response rates and is a method currently being utilized by other government agencies. Response rates were 24% for the random digit dial survey and 31% for the mail survey. Complete surveys were obtained from 7674 adults. Only Internet users (N = 5078; approximately 68% of the population) were asked about social media use, and they form the sample for the current study. HINTS contained both final sample weights that helped obtain population-level estimates and a set of 50 replicate sampling weights to obtain the correct standard errors; both of these were included in the present analysis. Detailed descriptions of how the sample and replicate weights were calculated can be found in the HINTS 2007 Final Report [23]. Study VariablesWe selected the following sociodemographic variables to be included in the study: age, gender, education, and race/ethnicity. Age was categorized into six groups: 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65 and above. Education was categorized as high school degree or less, some college, or college graduate. Race/ethnicity was coded into one of the following four categories: non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black (black/African American), Hispanic, and non-Hispanic other. In addition to the sociodemographic variables, three health-related variables were examined.The first is self-described health status, including overall health and distress level(measured by a summed score of six-item assessment of depressive symptoms borrowed from the National Health Interview Survey, 1997, Adult Core Questionnaire [24]). The second is the respondentââ¬â¢s cancer experience, coded into three categories: (1) having had a personal diagnosis of cancer, (2) having had a family member diagnosed with cancer, or (3) having had no personal experience or family member with cancer.Note that the categories are mutually exclusive: individuals with a personal diagnosis of cancer are automatically categorized as (1) regardless of their status in (2). The final health-related variable is health care access, measu red by whether the respondent reports having a regular health care provider or not. Internet status was measured by response to the following question: ââ¬Å"Do you ever go on-line to access the Internet or World Wide Web, or to send and receive an email? Among Internet users, social media use was assessed by responses to the following three questions: ââ¬Å"In the past 12 months, have you done the following while using the Internet: (1) participated in an on-line support group for people with a similar health or medical issue? (2) wrote in an online diary or blog? (3) visited a social networking site, such as ââ¬ËMy Spaceââ¬â¢ or ââ¬ËSecond Lifeââ¬â¢? â⬠Data Analysis To accommodate the complex sampling design of HINTS, analyses were conducted using SUDAAN, version 10 (Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA). Missing data (with responses of ââ¬Å"refuseâ⬠or ââ¬Å"donââ¬â¢t knowâ⬠) were recoded as missing for all analyses. Bivariate analyses (chi-square) were conducted to estimate the prevalence of social media use and associations between study variables and each of the three types of social media. To address potential differences in responses due to the dual frames of the 2007 survey, we tested for potential mode differences and found no differential responses by mode to any of the social media use outcomes of interests; thus, a combined sample was used for subsequent analysis.Separate multivariate logistic regression models were conducted to estimate the odds of writing a blog, participating in an online support group, and participating in a social networking site, while including a set of demographic and health-related predictors. Finally, given the overwhelmingly significant contribution of age in all three models, each outcome was tested using age-stratified analyses by running separate models within each of the three age categories of 18-34, 35-54, and 55 and above. |Results |Sample Characteristics In 2007, approximately 69% of the US population reported having access to the Internet. This estimate is consistent with other prevalence estimates of Internet use in the same period [1]. Table 1 displays the weighted sample characteristics of non-Internet users and Internet users. ? | |Table 1. Weighted sample characteristics: proportion of non-Internet and Internet users in each category | |[view this table] | |Bivariate analyses revealed a number of significant differences between Internet users and non-Internet users. Consistent with prior results, non-Internet users were more likely to be ethnic minorities, older, less educated, less healthy, more distressed, and to report a history of a cancer diagnosis. Further, as Table 2 below shows, among Internet users, approximately 27% reported using at least one form of social media.We used chi-square tests to compare those who reported using social media (as defined by individuals who responded ââ¬Å"yesâ⬠to at least one of the three questions on social media) to Internet users who reported not using social media. ? | |Table 2. Weighted sample characteristics of Internet users (N = 5078, 68. 54% of US population) who use and do not use social media | |[view this table] | |Among Internet users, use of social media was not uniformly distributed across the age strata. The largest proportion of social media use occurred among Internet users between the ages of 18 and 24 (65%) and decreased thereafter with each subsequent age group. In addition, patterns of social media use varied by race. Non-white Americans who accessed the Internet were more likely to use social media than white Americans. The potentially different user characteristics among different types of social media prompted separate analyses by each type of media.Table 3 summarizes the bivariate associations between each type of social media (not mutually exclusive) and the study variables. ? | |Table 3. Bivariate associations between three types of social media use and study variables: weighted results | |[view this table] | | Among the three forms of social media included in the survey, social networking received the most utilization (23% of Internet users), followed by blogging (7% of Internet users) and, finally, participation in online support groups (5% of Internet users).Blogging and social networking site participation showed the expected inverse linear relationship with age (ie, increased use across decreasing age strata). Partially because of the younger age, users tend to not have personal experience with cancer and not have a regular health care provider. The user characteristic profile of online support group participation was distinct from the other two forms of social media.Use of online support groups was rarely seen in the youngest age group (18-24) and was uniquely associated with several health-related factors, including rating general health as poor and reporting psychological distress. In contrast, blogging and social networking site participation were not associated with measures of self-reported health status. Finally, we found an unexpected education and racial/ethnic breakdown among social networking site users: less-educated individuals and racial/ethnic minorities were more likely to use this form of social media.However, these differences disappeared in subsequent regression analyses (below), suggesting that the differences observed here are likely explained by age. Multivariate Analyses The three separate multivariate regressions estimated the odds of using a particular form of social media in HINTS 2007. Given that gender was not associated with social media use at the bivariate level, we dropped it from the regression models. Table 4 displays the results of the analysis. Among Internet users, online support group participation was predicted by age, education, as well as several health-related factors.Compared with people 65 and over, those aged 25-44 were three to five times more likely to use support groups. Compared with college graduates, those with some college were more likely to use support groups. Moreover, consistent with the bivariate-level observations, those who regarded themselves as less healthy, more distressed, and who had a personal cancer experience were more likely to have used online support groups, confirming that health status is an important determinant of support group participation.In contrast to the model for support group participation, age emerged as the only significant predictor in the models of blogging and social networking site participation. A statistically significant linear effect of age on the two outcome variables was observed (P ;lt; . 001). Among individuals aged 55 and below, we observed a strong linear age effect, with each decreasing age stratum, in the odds of blogging. Participation in social networking sites shared similar user characteristics, except the odds ratios were even larger, with the age effect encompassing every age stratum. In addition, among Internet users, African Americans were more likely than non-Hispanic whites to use a social networking site (OR = 1. 51, 95% CI 1. 01-2. 24). ? | |Table 4. Multivariate logistic regressions of three types of social media use among Internet users | |[view this table] | | Age-Stratified Multivariate AnalysesGiven the central role of age in predicting social media use, and the significant interactions found between age and race/ethnicity, we conducted age-stratified logistic regressions to see whether adjusting for specific age strata would illuminate other important variables associated with social media use. Age was stratified into three categories for multivariate logistic regression models: 18-34 (younger group), 35-54 (middle-age group), 55 and older (older group). In general, the stratified models confirmed age to be the single most important predictor of social media use.Significant predictors within each type are summarized below. Note that all results reported are significant at P ;lt; . 05. Online Support Group In the youngest group, higher education (OR = 6. 33, 95% CI 2. 10-19. 10) and higher distress level (OR = 5. 56, 95% CI 1. 65-18. 76) explained the outcome. Among the middle-age group, female gender (OR = 2. 04, 95% CI 1. 20-3. 46) and higher education (OR = 2. 13, 95% CI 1. 21-5. 12) were significant predictors. In the oldest group, poorer self-reported health (OR = 3. 39, 95% CI 1. 38-8. 4) explained support group use. Blogging In all three age categories, the age-stratified models found no significant predictors of blogging. Social Networking Sites In the middle-age group, having no personal experience with cancer predicted social networking site participation (OR = 0. 39, 95% CI 0. 18-0. 86). For the oldest group, male gender was the sole predictor of social networking site use (OR = 1. 87, 95% CI 1. 28-2. 71). |Discussion |The current study examined sociodemographic and health-related predictors of the use of three forms of social media in an effort to better understand who is accessing and being reached through these emerging communication channels. The results showed that these three forms of social media have distinctly different use patterns and user characteristics, hence different health communication implications. Among the three forms of social media considered in this study, social networking sites by far attract the most users, making them an obvious target for maximizing the reach and impact of health communication and eHealth interventions.Furthermore, with increasing prevalence of personal wireless devices, communication scientists unanimously anticipate the popularity of social networking applications to continue to grow worldwide [2,25-27]. Compared to social networking sites, a much smaller percentage of Internet users reported writing in a blog, suggesting a lower prevalence of blogging. However, reading and commenting on a blog may have been a more reliable measure of blogosphere penetration due to its lower intensity than actively keeping a blog.Moreover, the blogosphere presents a tremendous opportunity for health communication. Particularly so, because bloggers have been observed to act as important communication stakeholdersââ¬ânot only are they information disseminators, but they play a crucial role in directing Internet traffic through opinions and hyperlinks [28]. Online support group participation was the only survey item included in the present study that was assessed throughout the three iterations of HINTS, and the weighted prevalence estimates suggest a minor increase: in 2003 and 2005, 3. % of Internet users had participated in online support groups compared to 4. 6% in 2007. User characteristics of support groups differed from blogging and social networking site participation, suggesting that online support group participation is driven by health status. This disease-focused medium may be gradually replaced by more interactive, patient-directed social networking sites and blogs, such as CaringBridge and Patientslikeme. These forms of social media have the potential to serve the social support and empowerment functions previously identified for online support groups [29].Apart from the patterns described above, the results of the study underscore the extent to which age determines who among US adult Internet users are engaging with social media. In this nationally representative sample, age emerged as the single strongest predictor of both social networking and blogging. In light of these findings, it seems reasonable to conclude that health communication efforts utilizing social media will have the broadest reach and impact when the target population is the younger generation.The relatively low penetration in the older population of 55 and older suggests that it is not yet an opportune time to utilize social media in communication with this age group. While this is true currently, we predict a continuing increase in utilization across all generations and groups in the next few years, and it remains a key health communication priority to continue tracking the sociodemographic trends of social media use to be sure that health communicators leverage these dissemination channels most effectively. Finally, for cancer communication efforts, this study found a igh prevalence of Internet and social media use among individuals with family members who have/had cancer (see Table 1 and Table 2), suggesting the potential effectiveness of social media cancer communication efforts targeting ââ¬Å"secondary audiences,â⬠that is, caregivers, family, and friends of cancer patients. A key finding of this study offers new and important implications for health communication in this digital age: among Internet users, social media are found to penetrate the population regardless of education, race/ethnicity, or health care access.In particular, t he multivariate analyses showed that having access to a regular health care provider did not predict social media use, suggesting that its significance in the bivariate analyses was primarily due to the effect of age. Specifically, younger individuals are less likely to have a regular health care provider. Considering implications of health communication efforts, the results of this study suggest that in the future, social media promise to be a way to reach the target population regardless of socioeconomic and health-related characteristics.If we can enable broader and more equitable Internet access (eg, increasing broadband access or wireless mobile access), thus reducing the digital divide, the potential for impacting the health and health behavior of the general US population through social media is tremendous. Furthermore, the results showed social networking sites are being utilized by African Americans at a higher rate than by non-Hispanic whites.Given the continuing increase in Internet penetration, these findings suggest a potential systematic shift in the communication pattern that transcends the traditional digital divide. Future studies should continue to examine the impact of changing technologies on patterns of health disparities. On the practice side of health communication, social media outlets may represent an excellent opportunity to reach traditionally underserved members of the population. LimitationsThe nature of self-report and the current low survey response rates present two major challenges to the generalizability of the results. First, the accuracy of self-reports of specific Internet usage may be affected by recall bias and respondentsââ¬â¢ comprehension of survey items. In spite of this issue, this studyââ¬â¢s prevalence estimates on Internet and social media penetration are in agreement with the published literature and are the first to be drawn from a nationally representative sample. One aspect to note is that compared to market surveys such as the Pew and Manhattan Research reports, the HINTS estimates are generally more conservative. This is in part attributable to the higher sampling precision mandated for federal surveys. Second, low response rate being a challenge facing all current survey research, HINTS 2007 attempted to boost response rates and extend coverage (especially to cell phoneââ¬âonly households) by adapting a dual sampling frame.As a result, the addition of the mail survey helped remedy the low response rate, to increase the generalizability of the data. An additional limitation concerns the instrumentation and questions related to blogging and social networking site participation: since neither question asked specifically about health-related use of these technologies, we cannot precisely estimate the prevalence of health-related social media use using HINTS data. Given the growing role of social media in health, future iterations of HINTS may specifically capture health-related social media use [10].As well, the question on blogging does not capture individuals who view and comment on blogs and thus may underestimate the degree to which the American public is engaged with this activity. Finally, with new technologies and social media continuing to evolve rapidly, these data, despite being the most updated national survey data available, may not have been able to capture some emerging social media forms (eg, Twitter and Wikipedia) and rapid changes brought on by the increasing use of personal wireless devices [27].In order to track the publicââ¬â¢s use of new media, future research should track different age groupsââ¬â¢ social media adoption while identifying new forms of social media. Given that the younger age groups are likely to continue their use of social media, we would expect to see a persistent increase across the middle-age population in the near future. Conclusions With the goal to develop a better understanding of social media use in the current US population, we have reported on the prevalence and user characteristics of three types of social media using the 2007 HINTS survey.While observations and theories about communication changes brought abou t by new technologies abound, little is supported by empirical evidence based on nationally representative data. The findings of this study contribute to the knowledge base to inform future programs aiming to utilize social media. As we have seen, forms of social media present different opportunities for health communication efforts. In particular, social networking sites attract the largest portion of Internet users and are likely to continue to grow, making them an obvious target for maximizing the reach and impact of health communication and eHealth interventions.In addition, recent growth of social media is not uniformly distributed across age groups. New health communication programs aiming to utilize social media must first consider the age of the targeted population. The data also prompt a rethinking of the connection between technologies and health disparities since the findings point to the fact that social media are penetrating individuals of different demographics at the same rate.Opportunities for narrowing the health disparities gap exist through effective use of social media as communication and health promotion platforms. These media will not enable targeted communication messages but may have the capacity to reach a wider audience than traditional media have been able to reach. Finally, while sur veillance research such as the present project is useful for determining the reach of social media, it is less useful for assessing the impact of participation in social media use on health. To assess the multiple levels of social media impact on health, future studies need to bring in diverse disciplines and methods, including intervention studies, longitudinal cohort studies, as well as ethnographic/qualitative observations to examine the effect of the social mediaââ¬âdriven changing communication patterns on health. Acknowledgments This project has been funded in whole or in part with federal funds from the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health. Conflicts of Interest None declared. How to cite Social Media Use in the United States, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Evaluate How the Nutritional Plan Might Improve the Health of the Chosen Individual free essay sample
In order to avoid that I gave her a breakfast that are high in fiber along with foods that she likes. The tables are both shown below: After Before Being without food during the night, our brain and muscles need energy and fuel to function. And the glucose in the food (as well as the vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and protein) is how we get this energy. With this rush of nutrients and glucose to our brains we are better able to concentrate, focus, be productive, and be in better spirits. There are no major health issues by not eating breakfast. I have already listed a few benefits to eating breakfast, but there are more benefits, such as: Eating high-energy foods for breakfast could help to boost short-term memory * People who rarely eat breakfast consume more fat and fewer nutrients like calcium, potassium and fiber than regular breakfast-eaters and often breakfast-eaters * A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that breakfast-skippers are more likely to have worse cholesterol levels and insulin sensitivity than breakfast-eaters * Eating a breakfast thats high in fiber and carbohydrates could help you feel less tired throughout the day, While changing the individuals diet, made a few changes that could make the individuals diet healthier. They were the following: * From fried chicken to boiled or oven chicken * White pasta and rice to brown pasta and rice * I added vegetables, which were streamed to maintain its nutrients While changing the individualââ¬â¢s diet, I also focused on the preparation. When making food, preparation is key, the preparation of the food determines whether the food is healthy or not. By making food that has a lot of vegetable oil; it wonââ¬â¢t be as healthy as making food with olive oil, for that reason. The type of preparation I changed was the type of oil being used by the individual and excluding any type of frying. Instead of frying I added other types of methods like boiling, using the oven and steaming vegetables. The preparation differentiates weather the food will be 500 calories or 1000 calories. In order to improve the individualââ¬â¢s diet I made sure to eliminate vegetable oil because there has been recent evidence conducted that any amount vegetable oil, is unhealthy for our body. As it the polyunsaturated fats in vegetable oil can cause many health problems, including heart disease. However by using olive oil within the recommended limit, is healthier to our body as olive oil is natureââ¬â¢s storehouse of many healthful nutrients like vitamins A, E, D and K. Other nutrients found in olive oil are: * Magnesium-rich chlorophyll encourages formation of healthy red blood cells. * Squalene, a precursor to phytoesterols, helps reduce acidity. * Phytoesterols (in the form of beta-sitosterol) assists in preventing cholesterol absorption. * Caffeic and gallic nutrients stimulate the flow of bile which helps alkalise food coming out of the stomach, reducing stress on the pancreas. * Phenolic compounds protect against fermentation of fats and cholesterol, and may promote higher production of fat-digesting enzymes in the pancreas. Cycloartenol lowers the amount of cholesterol in free circulation and increases excretion of bile to mop up excess acidity and increase alkalinity of the food coming out of the stomach. Olive Oil has been shown to have beneficial effects on vir tually every aspect of body function, development and maintenance, including brain development, bone structure, digestion, aging process, the condition of skin and hair, metabolism, and on plaque formation in the blood vessels. There were a number of foods that I introduced to the individuals diet in order to create a healthy balanced diet. Most importantly I added a range of foods and made the tweaked the previous foods the individual had also as you can see below from the before and after: After Before By making simple changes like white pasta and rice to brown pasta and rice, and instead of frying the chicken boiling it or using other methods as suggested. Focusing on the lifestyle, there has been a number of changes they were the following: Days| Exercise| Sitting | Sleep| BMI| Monday | None| 7 hours| 9 hours | 18. 2 | Tuesday| None| 7 hours| 13 hours | 18. 2 | Wednesday| None| 7 hours| 9 hours | 18. 2 | Thursday| None| 7 hours| 9 hours | 18. 2 | Friday| None| 7 hours| 9 hours | 18. | Saturday | None| 7 hours| 8 hours | 18. 2 | Sunday | None | 7 hours| 9 hours| 18. 2 | Before Days| Exercise| Sitting | Sleep| BMI| Monday | Long distance walking| 3 hours | 8 hours| 18. 2 | Tuesday| Long distance walking| 3 hours | 8 hours| 18. 2 | Wednesday| Netball| 3 hours | 8 hours| 18. 2 | Thursday| Long distance walking| 3 hours | 8 hours| 18. | Friday| Football | 3 hours| 8 hours | 18. 2 | Saturday | Long distance walking| 3 hours| 8 hours | 18. 2 | Sunday | Long distance walking | 3 hours | 8 hours | 18. 2 | After Its visible that the individual doesnââ¬â¢t do much exercise apart from walking to and from school, which isnââ¬â¢t much. For that reason I asked her the type of exercise she interested in but she will also do such as: long distance walking which is walking for about 30 min a destinations and other sports that she enjoys like football and netball. They are both the individuals two favourite sport, by giving her these sports she will be more dedicated to exercising because if I gave her two sports she doesnââ¬â¢t like she wouldnââ¬â¢t be as motivated. We also focused on other aspect like the amount of hours she sits down during the day; the recommended amount is 3 hours which I also recommended for the individual however that is not including the time she is at school. The individual sleeps between 8-13 hours and it is recommended to sleep 8 hours a day for that reason I will stick to the recommended amount. By successfully changing the individualââ¬â¢s diet and lifestyle I believe that she will live a healthier life style.
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